venerdì 16 marzo 2012

The Beginning

Outline drawing
Divisions of spaces. A segment, a harmoniously divided distance between two points: these are the basic elements to make a musical instrument.
Natural shapes. The beauty of the crest of the wave, of the glowing wheat, of the honeycomb, of a tree, of a hand, of a body, of a movement.
Each instrument is a little world where everything has its color, where everything seems like a face able to speak its feeling aloud, with a voice that utters, announces, screams, tells, cheers up, enchants. 

2 commenti:

  1. Tutto 'sto tempo parlavi Inglese così bene, e io non sapevo?! Cavolo!
    Sto per rimpatriarmi a Minnesota, ma vorrei tenerti in contatti....

  2. :) in realtà le traduzioni sono tutto merito di Letizia,io sono una capra!
    quando parti?
